Posted by : Unknown Monday, June 16, 2014

1. Newbie

This is the lowest level , which at this level the person is still seen from the anime television show, read manga modest, and see some anime to the world famous course.

2. Anime Lovers

This level is they feel their knowledge of anime is very minimal, so they prefer to be known as the Otaku Anime Lovers instead, but when we talked on the grub, their knowledge of anime, manga, VN, and other so should not be underestimated. This is what makes the difference between the Indonesian anime lovers abroad. If in Indonesia many anime lovers who claim otaku, but their own knowledge is still far below the level of the real otaku.

3. Otaku

As we know, it could be called Otaku Anime Addict. And this title is also often a problem, especially in Indonesia, where many people claim he was an otaku when his own knowledge about the world of otaku are still very far from being otaku. And usually people who have reached this stage, they memorized hundreds of titles anime, manga, VN, LN, even to the name of the chara in the anime even the name of a supporting character in the anime / manga they are memorized. And of course different from the Anime Lovers who tend to just memorize the main chara, or chara which often appear alone. (But I'm not that much XD).

4. Nijicon 

Nijicon itself is a term for those people who likes to a anime chara until they dare to claim that he loved as his wife. And when I interviewed several friends of grub and anime forums are also a nijicon, it turns out they really fall in love with his favorite chara with the same feeling as when they fall in love with women generally. Nijicon not be asked about the insight, their knowledge of this field is very broad and can not be underestimated. (Severe, really .-.).


Hikikomori or commonly referred to as an introvert is a term for those whose entire brain contains only the anime, manga, VN, LN, tokusatsu, etc.. whereas for insights about the hikikomori no question about it, they can know just by looking at the name chara of legs, eyes, or even their clothes only. And usually the hikikomori know thousands of titles anime, manga, VN, LN, etc. which has been a very long time even matter they still remember it.

Okay, it is a level in the world of anime. So, if any of you who like anime do not get cocky and claiming to be the king of anime ._. .

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